Caitlin Howell

Caitlin Howell

Caitlin Howell

Currently at - The University of Maine, Maine, USA -

Email: caitlin.howell(at)

Caitlin is a Wyss Technology Development Fellow in the Aizenberg Lab, holding a joint appointment at both the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering. Her work involves understanding and exploiting the molecular-level interactions of micro-organisms and biological molecules with immobilized liquids and other unique interfaces to create new, high-value technologies for medicine and industry.

Caitlin's research experience is interdisciplinary. She received her BS and MS degrees in Biology from the University of Maine, studying the effects of microorganisms on cellulose crystallinity under mycology and natural polymer expert Dr. Jody Jellison. She then moved to Germany to earn her doctoral degree in Physical Chemistry at the University of Heidelberg. There, she investigated the effects of solid surfaces on the organization of biological molecules and cells under the direction of surface science leader Prof. Michael Grunze.

In the Aizenberg Lab, Caitlin is working in bio-inspired materials science and engineering, particularly the development of vascularized fouling-release surfaces. and other methods of creating designer slippery materials. She also provides analytical chemistry and microbiology support for various projects in the the Adaptive Material Technologies and Biomimetic Microsystems platforms at the Wyss Institute.

Awards and honors

2008-2011 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship

2005-2006 National Science Foundation Graduate K-12 Teaching Fellowship

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