Our recent research featured a cover picture on Advanced Materials!!

February 15, 2022
Controlling Liquid Crystal Orientations for Programmable Anisotropic Transformations in Cellular Microstructures (Adv. Mater. 42/2021)

Our recent research on "Controlling Liquid Crystal Orientations for Programmable Anisotropic Transformations in Cellular Microstructures" have featured a cover picture on Advanced Materials (https://onlinelibrary-wiley-com.ezp-prod1.hul.harvard.edu/doi/10.1002/ad...). 

In article number 2105024, Joanna Aizenberg, Katia Bertoldi, and co-workers report that by programming independently anisotropy at the molecular and structural levels, unprecedented director-determined symmetry breaking can be realized in microcellular structures made of liquid crystalline elastomers (LCEs). These can be exploited to achieve switchable and direction-dependent frictional properties as well as to modulate light.


See also: 2021