Mathias Kolle

Mathias Kolle

Mathias Kolle

Currently at - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Massachusetts, USA -

Email: mkolle(at)

Mathias joined Joanna Aizenberg's group in summer 2010. His research is focussed on the study of biological photonic systems and the development of bio-inspired, adaptive and actively tunable micro-optical devices. The creation of bio-inspired photonic systems involves techniques and material systems that are well established in the Aizenberg group, such as colloidal co-assembly and high aspect ratio flexible periodic micron-sized surface patterns. Part of this work is done in collaboration with the group of P. Vukusic at the University of Exeter.

Prior to joining Joanna's group Mathias studied biological and bio-inspired optical systems in the research group of Prof. U. Steiner at the Physics Department of the University of Cambridge in collaboration with Prof. J. Baumberg.
There, he received his PhD in 2010.

Awards and honors

2011 Dissertation prize of the German Physical Society (section: Condensed Matter)
2011 Research fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
2011 Publication of the PhD thesis in the book series "Springer theses" for recognition of outstanding PhD research
2010 PhD Plus fellowship of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK
2006-09 Research scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
2003 / 05 Stipend of the Franco-German University (FGU) for studies in Luxembourg and France


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